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An Award Winning Integrated Digital Automated Platform

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      What is MyPad® Intellect Awards?


      MyPad® Intellect Awards are presented in association with partnered universities, Research Institutions, colleges of repute or professional associations

      of eminence in order to promote research and developmental activities in academic, industrial, socio economic, health care, and other fields where intellectual wealth is created for the benefit of the society at large.





      Why MyPad®  Intellect Awards?


      - To use the latest technology in conducting world class conferences, call for papers with multiple online payment mechanisms.


      - To submit, update, rebut, and accept papers/posters online and finally publish the selected papers online without any programming or technical knowledge.


      - The published papers are available 24x7 to all others for their research/reference requirements.


      - To promote intellectual interest among young minds and to stimulate more growth in the interest of Society.


      - To motivate research scholars for their hard work and as a recognition of their research activities.


      - To give authors a placeholder for their Intellectual performance and as a record of their achievement.



      How the process works?


      The MyPad® Intellect Awards is given only to those who are selected in the "First Position". It is usually awarded in association with

      the conference organizers as they are the subject matter experts and have a say in the final decision. MyPad® is in no way involved

      in any decisions of the Conference Chair/Organizers.




      What the Award Constitutes:


      The MyPad® Intellect Awards provides the awardees transferable rights to use MyPad® conference products without the normal fee.

      This Award is worth more than USD 2000 or INR 1 Lakh in terms of product value at current market rates. The usage of MyPad® Conference product

      is time bound but the Conference data is kept  for an unlimited time even after its completion unless the Awardees themselves decide

      to remove it. The award cannot be reimbursed in cash.

      Apart from ths the Awardees will be entered in to MyPad® Hall of Fame - an yearly achievement directory which will be promoted widely.



      How can I include My University / My College /My Conference / My Institution for the  MyPad®  Intellect Award?


      Please get in touch with us at with the details of your university, college and conference particulars.